Lightwave System Console Switch



Recommended replacement: NTI SERIMUX-CS-16EDP
Alternative options: Contact Us

The Lightwave System Console Switch is an intelligent switch that allows a single text (RS-232) terminal to control and monitor an entire data center from one central location. It's modular design accommodates data centers of various sizes and future growth. Each Lightwave System Console Switch allows for viewing of 12 console ports and is easy expandable to view up to 120 ports. Optimize systems management with the Lightwave System Console Switch's Remote Access feature, devices can be accessed from home or on the road via modem dial-up. The Lightwave System Console Switch also features a Audit Trail, providing a 32k (40 screen) buffer for each port, this proves to be invaluable for diagnostics.


  • Flexible Access - Telnet capability when connected to a networked device.
  • Security & Confidentiality - Lightwave System Console Switch may operate separately from your network and has password protection for remote users.
  • Easy Printing - One printer serves all ports!
  • Independence - Each device port operates independently, so failure of any of the attached devices will not affect the monitoring and control capabilities for other attached machines.
  • Compatibility - Plug compatible with every type of computer system through the console port.
  • Name Your Devices - Assign system names and locate devices instantly.
  • Cost Savings - Eliminate costly terminal and keyboard expenditures while saving valuable space.
  • Easy to Use - Controlled through the terminal keyboard.
  • Flexibility - Choose the chassis that best fits your system, desktop or rack mount.